Hi babes! Been a min.
This is my first post of 2019! Like whatttt?! Sorry I’ve been MIA. I have been suffering from writers block, lack of creativity, and working out a new aesthetic.
Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day! With big V-Day coming up, I wanted to share my personal take on it. I have been celebrating Valentines’s Day my own special way for about 9 years.
V-Day can be one of those days that is either an awesome day well spent with your lover, or a day where you’re like WHAT THE FRIG this is kind of sad.
Since Valentine’s Day tends to be a very upsetting holiday (at least for us folks who are single AF), I am here with this post to make it better! Or, to at least give you a new perspective.
Valentine’s Day/ Galentine’s Day/ Singles Awareness Day, whatever you prefer to call it is up to you. This day is a different type of day to me. Let’s dive right in.

When I was in high school, Valentine’s Day was always so hyped up. I fell for the “Hallmark Holiday”. I had a boyfriend at the time, and my expectations were all around never met. Each year, I always seemed to be let down. We never went to dinner, or had anything special planned. If we did go to dinner, we argued the whole time (thanks for sucking, Kevin). Since I couldn’t find joy on Valentine’s Day from my bf, I always hoped to find it through my friends. My high school would let students purchase carnations with little notes for their friends. Which at the time may have seemed stupid or like a popularity contest, but I always wanted to collect them. Each year my count of carnations from my friends would get less and less. LIKE, THANKS FOR THINKING OF ME GUYS, lol! JK.
When I entered college and was states away from where I grew up (MA → LA), Valentine’s Day took on a whole new meaning. This meaning lives on to this day!
Life got busy, and still does. Sometimes we forget to connect with our friends and family as much as we should.
Valentine’s Day by definition is the day of love (don’t really look that up lol). For me, this day is a 24-hour period where I have the opportunity to remind the people I care about the most that I love them. I use Valentine’s Day as a day to reach out to my friends and family to say hello, see how they are, and wish them a good day! I think sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own lives, and with social media so prevalent we forget to connect offline.
I use this day to literally tell people I love them! It’s as simple as that.

I also celebrate V-Day a second way. You can have a great day spending Valentine’s Day with yourself! Relationships come and go, but you are stuck with yourself forever haha, so LOVE YOURSELF! We are so willing to give and share our love with others, that we forget to really provide it to ourselves.
I started incorporating self-care into my Valentine’s Day routine last year. The purpose of this was to make myself feel beautiful and special. To have a dedicated day where I love me, myself & I.
Last year, I said Happy Valentine’s Day to myself by getting Botox! It was something I had reallyyy been wanting, and I felt like that was the perfect day to do it. Now, I am not saying everyone go out and get Botox, it’s V-day! There are other ways to self-care and show self-love on this day.
You can get a manicure or pedicure, you can get that massage or facial you’ve been wanting, you can sit down and read some of that book you bought 6 months ago and never looked at again, you can take a yoga class, you can take a nap, you can eat a cupcake or three, you can look at the clouds, and you can buy yourself fresh flowers. The list really could go on, but I’ll stop haha.

Your relationship status doesn’t matter. Whether you’re single, married, dating, friends with benefits, divorced, separated, or whatever it is you are; loving yourself can apply to anyone!
Well, there you have it. My personal take on Valentine’s Day! I hope you all have a great day, and I love you the most! <3
xx Courtney